Rain Man Poster Analysis
Above is the poster for Rain Man, a poster that heavily inspired us for the River poster. This poster is really simplistic in design; it's not packed to the brim with quotes from the film or from reviews. It simply has the two main characters walking down the street, with their names and the title of the film. It makes use of the Z rule. You can see the actors names along the top, the title and the two characters in the middle and the award that it won in 1988 for Best Picture. The two characters are the focus of the poster, however. You can see them walking side by side down a road towards the camera. This obviously sets these two characters as the focus of the film. The main theme of the film is companionship and I think that this poster reflects that well. The two characters are walking beside each other, indicating that they're getting closer to each other, however Tom Cruise's character walks with his right and in his pocket; perhaps indicating a slight reluctance...