River - Third Outdoor Filming Session

In this session, we got a lot done. It was a much nicer day out that the previous two sessions, so we felt more motivated to get stuff done as we didn't have to go inside from being too cold. We finished getting a few of the Limbo shots that we left out or needed to be re-recorded. We also filmed the scene of Kevin getting the message from his friend. This was fun to film, and it really let the actors express themselves and in the end really showed their acting skills off. We also got a few nice shots of nature to put in as filler shots.

As well as this, we also got some shots for the final scene. However, we couldn't do the last one as we needed a tripod and we forgot to bring it with us that day. We did attempt this but it didn't work. We also got the shot that we would use for the magazine review.


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